Sangle de mâchoire

Veronika S.

This collagen mask has become an essential part of my skincare routine. It's transformed my skin care routine.

Main benefits

💧 Deep hydration: our unique blend includes oligo-hyaluronic acid, renowned for its superior moisturizing properties compared to ordinary hyaluronic acid. Quickly quenching the skin, it deeply hydrates not only the surface, but also penetrates deeper layers, promoting a nourished, hydrated complexion.

🌞 Reveal smooth, radiant skin: Embrace a luminous transformation with our enriched formula, featuring oligo-hyaluronic acid for deep hydration. You'll revel in irresistibly smooth, luminous skin that exudes radiance.

🌺 Fight redness and acne: Say goodbye to a troubled complexion thanks to our innovative concoction with probiotics and powerful oligo-hyaluronic acid. This dynamic blend reduces redness and tackles acne, revealing visibly healthier skin with a more even complexion.

🌿 Improve firmness and elasticity: Infused with ultra-low molecular collagen, our formula ensures maximum skin penetration and absorption. It refines dilated pores, stimulates skin elasticity immediately upon application, and visibly smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.

✨ Minimize fine lines and wrinkles: Featuring a hydrogel mask enriched with three different strains of probiotics, our product strengthens the skin barrier and prevents aging, leading to a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

🧪 Hypoallergenic and gentle: Our deep-moisturizing face mask is made with non-toxic, non-irritating ingredients, guaranteeing a safe experience for sensitive skin. Free from allergens and harsh compounds, it offers peace of mind while rejuvenating your skin.


Generally, three masks constitute a three-week treatment.

One mask per week is recommended.

Éliminez l'apnée du sommeil et réveillez-vous frais et dispos du jour au lendemain !

Si vous lisez ceci, il y a de fortes chances que vous souffriez de sommeil interrompu et de fatigue chronique.

Le résultat ? Vous vous endormez partout, votre travail et vos relations en pâtissent, et vous n'avez plus d'énergie pour rien.

À long terme, cela peut mener à une dépression sévère, des AVC, une insuffisance cardiaque, et même une mort prématurée.

Grâce à l'alignement de la mâchoire, la sangle Snooze™ maintient doucement votre bouche fermée pendant que vous dormez, empêchant ainsi efficacement votre langue d'obstruer vos voies respiratoires en reculant.

Éliminant ainsi votre apnée du sommeil, la somnolence diurne, le ronflement et le brouillard cérébral.


Découverte révolutionnaire

Vous avez probablement essayé plusieurs autres remèdes contre l'apnée du sommeil qui promettent monts et merveilles sans jamais tenir leurs promesses. Et je suis là pour vous dire que ce n'est pas de votre faute si vous souffrez encore.

Ces autres remèdes ne ciblent pas la cause profonde de l'apnée du sommeil.

Pendant le sommeil, les muscles à l'arrière de votre gorge se relâchent trop, entraînant un affaissement des muscles et un blocage des voies respiratoires. Cela peut vous réveiller en train de suffoquer ou de haleter.

Après deux ans de prototypes et 160.000€ dépensés en tests de laboratoire, nous avons découvert la combinaison révolutionnaire de :

✅ Position optimale de la mâchoire

✅ Prévention du glissement de la langue

✅ Expansion améliorée des voies respiratoires

Cibler ces trois éléments était la clé pour éliminer l'apnée du sommeil et augmenter votre énergie de manière spectaculaire.


Fini les nuits agitées et la fatigue chronique

Cette combinaison révolutionnaire élimine le blocage de vos voies respiratoires, fournissant à votre cerveau l'oxygène essentiel dont il a été privé pendant des années.

L'augmentation du flux d'air et de l'oxygène élimine :

✅ Baisse d'énergie et somnolence

✅ Sommeil interrompu et ronflements

✅ Réveils en suffoquant

✅ Bouche sèche et gorge irritée

✅ Brouillard cérébral, maux de tête et pertes de mémoire

Le résultat est un soulagement instantané de l'apnée du sommeil et de la fatigue chronique, avec un dispositif 87 % plus efficace que le principal concurrent.

Portez la sangle Snooze™ avant d'aller vous coucher et vous vous réveillerez rajeuni et prêt à affronter la journée !


Améliorez considérablement votre qualité de vie

L'apnée du sommeil et la fatigue diurne peuvent ravager votre vie. L'épuisement constant vous donne l'impression d'être empoisonné et d'avoir la gueule de bois tous les jours.

Aujourd'hui, vous avez le pouvoir de changer les choses. En inversant votre apnée du sommeil, la sangle Snooze™ crée des avantages secondaires tels que :

✅ Un sommeil profond et réparateur

✅ Une énergie accrue et une meilleure vigilance au travail

✅ Un regain de libido et une perte de poids

✅ Une amélioration de la santé mentale et de l'humeur

✅ Un risque réduit de maladies cardiaques, d'AVC et d'hypertension

Vous pouvez enfin reprendre goût à la vie.

Offers available until midnight - Low stock   

Offers available until midnight - Low stock   

Offers available until midnight - Low stock   

Offers available until midnight - Low stock   

Offers available until midnight - Low stock   

Get smooth, hydrated, radiant skin overnight.

💧 Tightens pores and refines texture
✨ Eliminates blackheads for a clear complexion
🌿 Calms redness and fights acne
🌺 Smooth, radiant skin in the morning

The results speak for themselves:

Carolina B.

I wore this mask on a snowy day when I decided to deep-clean my house. I wore it for 4 hours and it stayed completely in place, without slipping or falling off. The whole time I wore it, it was very refreshing, no burning or stinging (again, I have dry, irritated skin and had no adverse reactions). It's fun to watch it dissolve. My skin is beautiful and hydrated for the rest of the week (Yay!)If you're a victim of dry skin, here's your miracle cure. Stay strong this winter, my friends. We're in this together. Thanks to this Korean mask, I owe it a debt of gratitude.

Isabella G.

It really is the bomb! I sleep on my side, and generally all the masks I've tried before end up sliding all over the place while I'm sleeping. But not this one. No, it sticks to my face.But the most important thing is the glow it gives my skin. It's insane. We're talking a week-long glow. I'm not kidding, even after a few days, I'm still sporting that fresh-from-the-spa look. It's as if my skin is drinking in all the goodness of this mask and hanging on to it all week.So, if you're looking for a skincare miracle, this is it! Believe me, I've tried tons of products, and nothing comes close to this one. Give it a try, and your skin will thank you, and so will mine!

Amelia P.

I love this face mask! Even though my skin is already pretty healthy, this mask takes hydration to a whole new level, leaving me feeling refreshed and revitalized, and although I haven't noticed any major changes to my pores, I'm quite pleased with the results. I'm currently stocking up on this mask, I don't want to risk running out, so if you're thinking of trying it, get it before I buy them all hahaha. I love this collagen mask because I can leave it on overnight, turning my skincare routine into a sleepover.Trust me, it's worth a try!

Why we love it!

Deep hydration:
Deeply moisturizes the skin, leaving it unrivalled softness.

Firming and radiance:
Visibly improves skin elasticity and gives it a radiant glow.

Suitable for all skin types:
Its gentle formula is perfectly suited to sensitive skin, without causing irritation or rashes.

Packed with active ingredients:
Oligo-hyaluronic acid and low-molecular-weight collagen work together to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and promote a youthful complexion.

Frequently asked questions :

How often should I use it?

For nighttime use, incorporate the mask into the last step of your nighttime skincare routine. For regular use, apply before your moisturizer.

This versatile product can be used daily without irritating the skin, thanks to its formulation containing only safe ingredients. As a general rule, we recommend incorporating it into your skincare routine at least once a week to maintain optimal hydration and skin health.

Is it safe for sensitive skin?

Absolutely, Bio-Collagen is meticulously formulated to be gentle and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Can I use it with other products in my skin care routine?

Absolutely! For optimal results, apply Bio-Collagen™ after cleansing your face.

How long should I leave it on my face?

Apply the mask at the end of your skincare routine and leave it on overnight. Remove the mask the next morning, after a good night's sleep.

After preparing the skin with a toner or serum, apply the mask and leave it on for 3-4 hours, or until it becomes transparent.

When will I see results?

Results may vary from person to person, but many users report improved skin texture and radiance after just the first use.